Saturday, November 1, 2008


When Sam was up here we were going to do a post on his blog about when we went swimming, but never got around to doing it. I couldn't think of anything to post, so I decided to finally do the post... It was three month ago and ya Sam was up here and we had just watch Michael Phelps win his eighths gold medal.. And us (me, Jock, and Sam) being inspired by Phelps got the bright idea of going swimming even though the temperature was only in the forties..

So being all stoked we headed to the lake!!

Sam.... Nice Oakley's.... Miss you dude...

Jock... Nice goggles... And they are his and don't you dare
try to take them from him... (its an inside joke)

And ya me Jordan......

Well we finally made it to the lake.. And once we made it
to the "beach" it sorta hit us, (least me and Sam) that it wasn't
the brightest thing to be swimming when the temps only in the
forties..... So me and Sam being the real men we are talked Jock
into being the guinea pig and diving into the water first.... :-)

You gotta love little brothers... So after seeing that jock made it in and out of the water alive me and Sam finally dove in too... And Ya it was cold... very cold... too cold.. But I was able to endure it by thinking of it as part of my Navy Seal training.. It helped me stay in the water for about 5 whole minutes, give or take a couple of minutes.....

Me and Sam trying not to get hypothermia!!!

Needless to say there was a little boy who wasn't to happy with his big brother for making him get out of the water and go home just ten minutes after getting to the lake... But I appeased him by renting the star war Lego video game to play... ( ya he's spoiled) So instead of swimming me and Sam met up with Noah and went and played hockey but that's another story... Okay that's it... I hope you all have a good Sunday and don't forget to set your clocks back.....

P.S. A special thinks to my cell phone, for always being there to capture these great moments... Yep I'm a dork


Samuel Hammett said...

Ha, those were good times, I forgot how much Jockles screamed in that video... It was cold though

Rachel said...

Sounds like Jock would make a better Navy Seal than either of you two....
Just sayin

Cpt.Winters said...

Maybe a seal (with all that flubber) but not a Navy seal...