Saturday, December 20, 2008

What's Your Christmas Traditions??

This week has been kind of crazy.. One day some girl is mad at me and calling me a sexist and the next day there's a guy trying to set me up with a girl... But I'll save that for later... Me and Jock went Christmas shopping today... It was a lot of fun, I think we went to almost every store in town.... It was fun watching jock pick out presents for people.... He is really into Christmas... The day after we put up the tree he had all his presents wrapped and under the tree... I think so far he's the only one who has put presents under the tree.... He has even made sure he got Aaron and Lisa a present.. O HEY Smith!!! What do you think about trading me cars??? You would get the better deal if we did.. :) mines not beat up.. LOL I like your heater... Anyhow Aaron left for Juno today, so I picked his car up at the airport for him... Its a little nicer then mine, just a little... Jock was going threw Aaron's glove box and we found some track in there.. So I told Jock to grab a couple out for each of us and that at the next store we go to, we had to ether give them to some one or set them somewhere where people would find them.... So we went to B&N, he was getting someone a present there... When we got back out to the car he asked me if I had gave my tracks out... I was like arrgh I forgot... He did the little shame on you thing with his finger... I was like did you??? He got this cute little grin on his face and just nodded his head yes... It was really neat.... Okay I better start talking about what I originally meant to post about... Christmas traditions.... My family has a lot of them... But recently there has been some in the family and not yet family who have tried to destroy them... :-( ARRGH So far I have been able to battle and succeed in keep them around but I fear that I'm fighting a losing battle... So I wanted to share them with you before they are forever gone... LOL The first of our traditions is no listening to Christmas music till after thanksgiving... Which bub and Lisa have tried to ruin this year... The funny thing about that is that bub usually doesn't listen to Christmas music till the week of Christmas (that's usually because it take him that long to get in the holiday spirit).. But this year since his girl wanted to listen to it before Thanksgiving, he acted like he was really into christmas music and him and Lisa were trying to force it on us... It was embarrassing... We always make it a big deal when we set our tree up.. We get a lot of snack foods and Jo makes apple cider and mom makes dip for chips... Then we put on some Christmas music and spend the rest of the night decorating the tree.. The next one has kinda changed, but in the past when we were all younger we would hang up candy canes up for every day of December leading up to Christmas... And each morning we would take one down and eat it.. It was really exciting for us little guys to watch each day is the number of candy canes got smaller and smaller... By the time Christmas came around eating candy canes had gotten really old... Now that we are older and have had our fill of candy canes we have changed it to on December first we get out our stocking and everybody in the family buys small little treats or fruit that we stick on them for each other every day until Christmas... So its kinda cool checking your stocking to see what kind of treats are in there for you that day.... Another tradition is that we make cookies a lot of cookies but aren't allowed to start eating them till Christmas eve.... Let me tell you that gets kinda hard waiting tell then for cookies, when every night someone is making a different kind of cookies and you cant eat them for another week... Its almost torture... This year mom and the girls have been really letting the ball down when it comes to making the cookies... (I better start cracking the whip in them).... The next tradition is that on Christmas eve mom make some really good food and bek or jo makes some punch and we finally get to break out the cookies.... Then we open all the presents under the tree... The only presents that aren't under the trees our the ones from mom and dad... We first argue about whether we are going to start with the oldest or the youngest... The youngest usually when that fight... lol.... I love my big family, it the only way to go.... :-) I never really cared who started because I'm in the middle, so it will take just as long ether way for it to be my turn... We usually stay up till midnight playing with are goodies... Then the parents make us go to bed.... That night when we are all in bed mam and dad set out the gifts they have gotten for us.... They don't rap them, they just set them out in little piles for each kid.... Then some time in the early morning (usually to early) one of the younger kids to excited to sleep gets dad to wakes up the rest of the family... We are all confined to are rooms until every body is awake and ready to come out... Then dad tells us that we can come out of our rooms... The lights in the living room are out and we all you can see is the outline to each different pile of gifts... Then some one throws on the lights and we all stubble over each other as try to figure out and make our way to our piles still half blinded as our eyes a just to the light... After we get done checking out what everybody got we eat breakfast and just lay around the rest of the day eating cookies... So thats about it for are christmas traditions.... What's are your christmas traditions??? Please leave a comment or do a post on them to... Everybody seems to have different ones... Okay I better explane about being called a sexist or was it male shovenist pig??? :-) No i think it was just called a sexist... LOL But I think I have been called a male shovenist pig before... Anyhow it happend at B&N Some of us were sitting around the fireplace and I was talking to Lisa and I mentioned how I thought that girls shouldn't get there drivers license till there eighteen... I think Lisa agreed with me LOL... Well there was a girl there who we knew, I won't say who it was, but I new here but never really talked to her... Well she got alittle upset about my comment and tryed to start argueing with me... Well her arguement didn't change my mind so I think that just made her even more mad... She said that it was proven fact that girls mature three years sooner then guys... I was about to her --- well i'll save it for later what I was going to say, because that was when I looked at Lisa and she gave me the please end this NOW!!! look... Anyway If I had said what I wanted it would have really made her mad... So I just smilled and let it die at that... Well later Lisa and Kriss told me that she said I was a sexist... Ohwell ive been called worst... Well I better end this, Its already getting to long... Merry Christmas You all.....


TwiceBorn said...

About Christmas morning, you've kinda got it wrong. Usually the kids are all wanting to sleep in real late(especially Jock) but Dad and Mom are all excited and come wake US up.

Aaroneous said...

Oh Jordan bear,

Its a good thing you're a plumber and not an English teacher.

my reply is on my blog

Cpt.Winters said...

Go back to bed smith...

Samuel Hammett said...

Lol, Smith has a point... Anyway good luck with trying to keep the christmas traditions alive. I kinda flubbed one of ours this year, but only one. Anyway, my response is on my blog as well.

Cpt.Winters said...

LOL Ya I know he does, but he doesn't have to point it out... I never point out other people's faults.... :)

Rachel said...

Somehow, once older siblings get to that married (or almost married) point, all traditions get thrown out the window. Just giving you fair warning. :)

But soon you'll have new traditions in their place, so it's all good.

Cpt.Winters said...

Its not my fault I was homeschooled.....

Chord said...

hey did you get the invatation to my blog. I will do our traditions on my blog.

Cpt.Winters said...

Ya Rachel I've noticed.. So far all the new traditions they have tried impose on us have been really lame... Like one gift per person...

~Kluane said...

Hey!! I take that as an insult....Homeschoolers are supposed to be smarter then public schooled kids....besides...I'm homeschooled and my English is just fine...I actually like it too....=o)

Hmm...Christmas Traditions: I guess I'll post it on my blog too....=o)

Samuel Hammett said...

I was in a private school so I guess that makes me twice as good! :)

~Kluane said...

nope...that's even worse=o)....

Cpt.Winters said...

You mean there's private schools for special Eds in PA???

And just so you all know I'm proud I was homeschooled... For some reason English and spelling never clicked for me...

Anonymous said...

Jord....don't you dare blame homeschool for your failure at spelling. You know how many phonics programs I did with you....oh, the horror of it all!

It's a good life said...

LOL. It had me cracking up.

Jordan... it's okayyy. I think it cute how you try to write like a little kid. (o:

You probably do it just to make other's feel better about their writing and themselves I'm sure. =D

Cpt.Winters said...

Thanks Em I'm glad there's some one out there that understands me.... :)