Saturday, December 13, 2008


Life has been rather busy lately.... I had to work tens and elevens this week, so that we can get caught up for Christmas... So I'm sorry its been a week since posting... But I'll make it up with this post with a lot of pics and movies.... Anyhow we just got home from the Older Toziers house... They wanted to have us over one more time before our family gets torn apart by marriage... I thinks just a trap and that's it way over rated (marriage:-)... Its going to be a better sweet Christmas this year knowing its going to be our last one as a family... MOMMYYY!!! KRISS IS VERBALLY ABUSING ME!!! Uhhmm sry about that... Now where was I?? Oh ya the Toziers had us over tonight.. It was alot of fun, bro Tozier told stories of his younger days out in the wilderness... Very interesting!!! I went boarding for the first time this year.... I didn't really want to go, but Mike begged me to come... He said he would go if I went... I guess Kassandra isn't good enough for him any more... :) LOL Just so you people know I was joking there.... Anyhow it was me, bek, mike, kassy, bub and go figure lisa tooo.... It turned out to be funner then I thought it would be... Besides the part where Lisa ripped my earphone out of my ears leaving the little rubber dealeo that goes on the end stuck in my ear... Reb had to pull it out for me, because I couldn't, it just kept going in deeper when I tried to get it out... lol its all good :)

Here Sam these movies are for you... To show you what your missing out on... Sry that there blurry, but that's the best I could do with my phone... And I didn't know It was going to come out sideways...


neverletmeforget said...

At least I don't resort to the low level of physical abuse. When Jordy is annoyed with your attitude he WILL physically abuse you. Oh yeah, it can be anything from slapping you right on the face to pinching that delicate skin on the arm. He may look sweet and innocent on the outside(don't feel to bad people I was once fooled by it myself) but underneath there's a twisted monster who comes to the surface when he can't hold it in. I don't know how I survive it day to day but at least I've done my dute and warned all of you......

Cpt.Winters said...

LIES!!! Its ALL LIES!! Everybody knows i;m the one thats abused.... I'm the whipping boy of the family... Ask Smith he will vouch for me....

Aaroneous said...

Jordy is right.

just look at his wrists, thats from the leather strings that they use to tie him to a rusty pipe in the basement, before they whip him for the iniquity of others.

Jordy I mostly wanted to ask you if you'd start cutting my hair after Jo leaves.

I'm sure you could do it.