Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The life of a bum

OH BROTHER!! Someone please shoot me!!! I'm sitting here trying to do a post and bub is behind me on the couch flirting with Lisa on the phone... There way of flirting is really embarrassing.. Oh well least I have my cup of Ben & Jerry's to distract me from there conversation.. (: Its been a week and a day since I got fired.. Hmm let go sounds so much better... I haven't found another job yet... The life of a bum is so not for me... Its a real drag... It doesn't help that when I sleep in past 7:30 that I feel real guilty like I'm sinning... I don't know why I feel that way... The funny thing is that the last couple days I woke up a little after 7:30 feeling guilty but when I went over to the other house everybody was still in bed... Hmm I don't know why I shared all that with you..

So ya I'm still jobless... So far I've got a application in with NLC and another company said they would contact me if they needed anymore apprentices.. But for know nether are hiring... I picked up an application at another place today and they sounded like they were hiring... The lady that was helping asked the boss if he wanted to interview me right then but he was to busy... But it did sound hope full... Anyways I hope I get a job soon because my dad already stressing out over it.. I guess he's just scared I might never move out.. LOL

I told my mom that if I got a job soon and if it pays better then my last one that I was going to go out and buy a new tuck, iPhone, and a house... (: All she said was Jordan aren't you glad now that your jobless that you don't have any bills because we taught you not to take out a loan for a truck or other things, but to just save your money until you can just pay for it all at once.. She had a good point.. I'm really glad I'm not paying on some stupid car loan right now... So ya she didn't really care for my idea... Least not all of it... I think she liked the idea of me getting my own place.. Hmm some day.. maybe... (:

One good thing about being a bum is that Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I get to play rec hockey at the Dipper.. And that I've been able to watch just about every playoff hockey game... (: Ya I got to get my hockey fix or I get the jitters... lol Okay I better end this post... Please remember to pray that I would get a job soon.. I'm going to try to take that application that I got today in tomorrow so pray about that... Also I just wanted to share a blessing... My church has been going threw I really rough time for the last couple of years and everything seemed to just be at a stalemate.. Anyhow last week God brought it to a head... The Lord really seemed to work in everybodys heart and hearts were made right.. The Lord gave pastor wisdom in what to do and how to lead our church.. It seems like we took a really big step in bring back unity in our church... The Lord really worked in my heart too... So ya that was a real big blessing... It's the first time in along time that I'm really excited about going to church... Okay I better go to bed...