Monday, March 2, 2009

Nannies Wanted... Cross Dressing... And never having kids

Okay we are now taking applications for nannies here at the humphrey house... That is until mom gets back... Having to cook and do the dishes every day has gotten old real fast... I've decided that I don't ever want kids if it's anything like babysitting Smith and tobi... There constant fighting over stuff, having to feed them, doing there dishes, being there taxi, and seeing them waste the good food I made for them by smothering it with barbecue sauce has totally ruined the idea if someday having kids for me.... I can't take it!!!

We thought about asking Jason if he would let Jo come back for a week and take care if us until our mother who just up and left us returns... I thinks some one needs to read prov 31 again....
just forsaking her kids like this.... :( Okay where was I?? Ah ya Jo... I don't think Jason would go for that though... LOSER... I don't see why he can't share her... I don't know why I ever gave them my blessing.... WHAT WAS I THINKING??? I called her tonight and she was making him chicken and potatoes.... Hmm that sounds good... WAIT A SECOND... Thats just cruel and unusual punishment telling me that Jo when us boys are up here starving.. HMM.. That's going to have to be one of the requirements on the application for nannies... That and washing the dishes better then Smith.... Lets just say that when Molly licks the plate they get cleaner then when Smith washes them... So ya if you want to be a Nannie for a week let us know... We (might) even pay you if you do a good job... (MIGHT) Our mom does all that stuff for free so why shouldn't the Nannie...

So since Smith started his job today he took us out to eat as a celebration... He asked us were we wanted to go to eat... I didn't really care but it turned into a small fight between him and tobi on where to go... Smith said he would take us to the Turtle club... I told him that the it was to expensive and that the only way I would go there was all dressed up and with my girl... (which there is none in my life that I care for right now besides molly and mom)... Anyhow tobi was like dude I would dress up like a girl and go there if someone would pay for me.... Then Smith said something about how tobi would make a ugly looking girl... Tobi was like whatever I would look prettier then most girls... The conversation really went down hill fast from there.. MOM!! You really know things are getting bad when tobi is talking about cross dressing just to get a meal... Okay least we all are still kicking... Each other..... See mom we do miss you!!!

P.S. If you know of any single ladies who are really desperate to get married let me know.... I'm totally willing to pay somebody to marry Tobi or Aaron or both...


Anonymous said...

Jordan i just realized we are coming back without the parents so we are going to have to clean up and cook for you another few days before Mom gets back. hhhmmm Do you think she did that on purpose. :) You post is hilarious! See you in a few days.

Anonymous said...

I'll be home to take care of you soon. At least you will have the girls this weekend. They know how to cook chicken and potatoes.

Has anyone swept the floor yet? Put Tobi to work....I'm sure his room needs to be cleaned.

Keep up the good work.

Love you, Mom

TwiceBorn said...

Hm, that's an interesting thought Bekah. We don't have to worry about cleaning up cause you'll do it for us.

Oh, and Jordan, you exaggerate way too much, and you get most of the facts wrong. No one can believe half of what they ead on here.

neverletmeforget said...

you could always save yourself the trouble of getting a nannie and just turn yourselves into an Insane Asylum.......

oh and about paying someone to marry those guys..welll...I hope you have a LOT of money ;o)

Joyka said...

WOW!!!!! I agree with Krista, you should DEFINANTLY turn your selves in to an insain asilum....
and Aaron was right, Tobi, you would make an ugly girl-wanna-be...
what is this world comming to when to get some desent food people have to become cross dressers, ug...

Joyka said...

isn't torture illegal in the U.S.......
(I am thinking of the nannie)

Joyka said...

oh, and you had better pay any nannie that puts up with you guys, your Mother is your mother, and she loves you.... nannies are different...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what Daniella said...moms love their kids. Nannies love their paychecks :) lol.

...And the thing u said about not having kids...That's y u get a wife, and u go 2 work. that way THEIR stuck with the kids most of the day. lol.

Funny post.

Anonymous said...
