Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My New Kickers

My mom said I had to do another post... She didn't want you all to think that I'm still in depression.. So I guess I'll post something... I'm still in depression though.. The ice rink is starting to melt and will probably be a real mess by the end of the week... So ya depressing... You know that panicking feeling you get were it takes your breath away and you hafto really force yourself to breath.. Ya that's what happens to me when I think of the ice melting.. Its kinda hard on me..

UH-OH!!! there goes mom freaking out about the faucet again... WHY!! O WHY!! am I the plumber in the family!!

Well I decided it was time for me to grow up in one area of my life... Scary HUH?? I've decided not to buy anymore skater shoes... That doesn't mean I'm going to stop wearing the ones I already own though... They're some of the most comfortable shoes I've ever wore... I don't know really why I'm done with skater shoes.. I guess its mainly because I'm tired of seeing all the stupid dorks that wear them and don't want to be thought of as one of them... So I decided to move to something more classy.. PUMAS.... I bought a pare last year and really liked them... They were really lite and felt like slippers.. So I decided to get me a anther set of pumas....

I got me a pare of puma Voltaic Ripstop.... I found them in Journeys, but they didn't have my size.. That store really stinks.. I asked for three different pairs of shoes that day and they didn't have any in my size... And the gal wasn't very help full either.. Anyhow I found them online and they were cheaper too.. They are soo the most comfortable shoes ever... There extremely lite and the inside of them are really soft... So ya big puma fan now... That's the only brand of shoe I'm buying now except for dress shoes since they don't really make those yet... Anyhow I think they look cool to... I some how got a stain on the gray part the second day I had them... I was so mad at myself I almost cried... Ohwell I guess I'll just have to buy me another pair soon...

Friday, March 20, 2009


I'm going into depression.... The nooks lost tonight.... It's to cold to play hockey... I'm dying for sugar SUGAR SUGAR,,,I can't find any in this house why WHY!!! Oh and I can't think of anything to post... Hey if you haven't already you should go visit smith's blog.. He's got a cute little video of are little beagle (well sorta)..

ARRGH!! THAT'S JUST WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS.. Bek has this cake she made to take to work with her tomorrow and it's just sitting out on the counter begging to be eaten....
Hmmm?? It is It isn't It is It Isn't It is WOA SNAPE OUT OF IT JORDAN!! Stealing little peice of cake is SOOO not worth the wrath of bek...

ppffffssssss I think i'm justing going to go cry myself to sleep... )-: Night...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


HEY EVERYBODY!!! How does Uncle Jordan sound!!! I'll let you figure out what that means on your own.... It's not hard....

Monday, March 16, 2009

My Little Experiment

Here's a little experiment I did.... I was watching some hockey videos on YouTube of Ovechkin and in one of them I saw him heating up his hickey stick blade and bending it to the way he likes it.... I guess a year or so ago the NHL changed the rules on how much of a curve you can have on your hockey stick.... They changed it from 1/2 an inch to 3/4 of an inch.... So once the rule got changed Ovechkin said that he would probably get more points that season because he liked more of a curve and in Russia he played with a curve over a 1/2 inch... Anyhow it did help him and now he's the second in the NHL in points... I guess more of a curve gives you more velocity on your shot.... I just thought I would give you that bit of history.... So I decided to try it out on a couple of my sticks.... I wouldn't really advice anybody else to do this because the sticks can be a little spendy and you can easily snap the blade... and the sticks can cost $80-180 so ya it's not a cool thing throwing a brand new stick away before you even get to use it because you snapped the blade trying to bend it...

Here's a picture of the stick Ovechkin uses.... Notice the crazy curve he has on it.... They don't sale any sticks with curves like that....

Here's three of the sticks I experimented on.. One was an Easton, one a Nikebauer, and the last one was a Sher-wood...

I tried it on the easton first because the blade was already broken, so I didn't really care if I messed it up.... The first step was heating the blade up... I didn't have a clue what would happen when I put the torch to the blade... I kinda thought it would all melt..

But it didn't melt.. Infact it takes about 90 seconds of moving the torch back and forth over the front and back of the blade to get it hot enough.... It took me three times before I finally figured out how hot I needed to get it....

So once you get it hot enough you gotta put it in a vice and start bending it before it cools off... Once in the vice I started to bend it... It took me a couple of tries before I realized I needed to keep the torch on it as I tried to bend it in the vice.....

Here's the stick before I bent it...

And here's it after... LOL I hope you can tell a difference.... I bent it about a 1/4 more then it was.... But since the blade was broken it didn't really turn out like I wanted... Least I know now that the sticks won't melt ...
So I tried the Nikebauer stick next... It was a stick i've had for a long time and don't really use it much... I got the blade to really bend out like I wanted but not under like Ovechkin's... I tried it a couple more times to see if I could bend it out and under but it would never bend under.... So I tried it on my sher-wood... It turned out the exact opposite of the Nikebauer.. I got it to curve under but not out...


After.... I was too scared to try to bend it anymore because it looked like the blade was going to snap........ So I then took them to the rink and tried them out... I was really impressed on how much power it added to my wrist shot... and it also seemed to help my accuracy... The one big draw back is that you can't get any lift or power on your backhand shot... The sher-wood was kind of a flop... I had good puck control and a good back hand shot but I didn't have much power on my wrist shot... I don't know if I really helped myself or not by curving my blades. But I had fun doing it... I think for the nikebauer stick to have a better back hand I need to keep the same curve but for it to be more to the front of the stick.... but it's kind of too late for that.... I got bored today because I didn't have work so I decided to give the sher-wood another go at curving it.... It didn't snap on me and I got it where the curve is more to the end of the stick and under... So I think I know i'll have more power on my wrist shot and be able to have a good backhand too.... But I haven't got to test it out yet...

Monday, March 9, 2009

There's A New Humphrey!!!!!

Look what mom and dad brought back from Oregon!!! Our cousin gave us him.... All us kids knew that dad and mom were bringing him home but tobi....

Tobi had no idea that they were bringing him home.... The little guy got sick on the plane ride up so we had to spend an hour at the vet before we could bring him home.... They put him in with dry ice which eats up all the oxygen... So he was really groggy and had a bad cough... But he's fine now.... I'm sure someone will post some pics of him soon...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Nannies Wanted... Cross Dressing... And never having kids

Okay we are now taking applications for nannies here at the humphrey house... That is until mom gets back... Having to cook and do the dishes every day has gotten old real fast... I've decided that I don't ever want kids if it's anything like babysitting Smith and tobi... There constant fighting over stuff, having to feed them, doing there dishes, being there taxi, and seeing them waste the good food I made for them by smothering it with barbecue sauce has totally ruined the idea if someday having kids for me.... I can't take it!!!

We thought about asking Jason if he would let Jo come back for a week and take care if us until our mother who just up and left us returns... I thinks some one needs to read prov 31 again....
just forsaking her kids like this.... :( Okay where was I?? Ah ya Jo... I don't think Jason would go for that though... LOSER... I don't see why he can't share her... I don't know why I ever gave them my blessing.... WHAT WAS I THINKING??? I called her tonight and she was making him chicken and potatoes.... Hmm that sounds good... WAIT A SECOND... Thats just cruel and unusual punishment telling me that Jo when us boys are up here starving.. HMM.. That's going to have to be one of the requirements on the application for nannies... That and washing the dishes better then Smith.... Lets just say that when Molly licks the plate they get cleaner then when Smith washes them... So ya if you want to be a Nannie for a week let us know... We (might) even pay you if you do a good job... (MIGHT) Our mom does all that stuff for free so why shouldn't the Nannie...

So since Smith started his job today he took us out to eat as a celebration... He asked us were we wanted to go to eat... I didn't really care but it turned into a small fight between him and tobi on where to go... Smith said he would take us to the Turtle club... I told him that the it was to expensive and that the only way I would go there was all dressed up and with my girl... (which there is none in my life that I care for right now besides molly and mom)... Anyhow tobi was like dude I would dress up like a girl and go there if someone would pay for me.... Then Smith said something about how tobi would make a ugly looking girl... Tobi was like whatever I would look prettier then most girls... The conversation really went down hill fast from there.. MOM!! You really know things are getting bad when tobi is talking about cross dressing just to get a meal... Okay least we all are still kicking... Each other..... See mom we do miss you!!!

P.S. If you know of any single ladies who are really desperate to get married let me know.... I'm totally willing to pay somebody to marry Tobi or Aaron or both...

Doggy Doggy just for you bek

It wasn't me.... It's Aarons hand...

And who couldn't love beagle dog??
She's the only woman in my life who I really care for.... Besides you mom....... :)