Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I miss Bush Already

ARRGH..... I can't find my cellphone... :( That's so frustrating!! Ohwell.. I'll live :) Okay who's ready for a new president?? I so am... I already miss Bush... Ya I know he wasn't the greatest and I don't agree with everything he did as president, but I still really like the man... I always felt like whatever he said he really meant and that it came from his heart... And that he did what he thought was best for the country.. I felt like crying when I saw him get in the helicopter and leave the White House for the last time... I got (more like had) to listen to some of the Inauguration at work.. The job I was working at had a radio and someone had it on some liberal station.. So for like 3 hours I got to hear people worshiping Obama... I just wanted to upchuck.... The radio was covering the parade as Obama made his way to the White house... They had different news reporters stationed along the route to cover what happened when he passed them... They would be like "( I see his car coming my way... Everybody is yelling Obama Obama!! OH!! OH!! HERE HE COMES!!! I should be able to see him in a sec!! AND YA THERE HE IS!!! I SEE HIM!!! I SEE HIM!!! I'M LOOKING AT PRESIDENT OBAMA!!! OHBOY OHBOY!! THE MOTORCADE IS STOPPING.... THIS MAY BE WHEN HE GETS OUT AND WALKS.... EVERY BODY IS SCREAMING... One sec let me put the mic down and worship him.... Oh bummer.. the Motorcade is moving on, I don't think he is getting out of the car here in front of me... There was a lady standing next to me that told me she wouldn't miss this for the world.. And that her work wouldn't give her the time off to come to this... So she quit her job just to come... I asked her how she was going to support herself now?? She said OH I'm not worried about that.. Obama is going to take care of me now and even pay my mortgage... This is Ryan Milone reporting for the fare and balanced World News radio, back to you Graige...)"

Hmm that didn't really do it justice.. But I think you get the point.. There is alot of really stupid people out there in the world... I will say that Obama is good at giving speeches... But it was all just words... He didn't really say anything that meant anything... And he keeps saying it's time to make America great again... Again??? It's time for change... Let's start by letting all the terrorist go that are in Gitmo... And then put a big target on our back... While I help the gays get equal rights and help girls who where just having alittle fun last night from being punished with babies by promoting abortions... That's change alright... YA lets be like Rome and destroy ourself from the inside.. Why wait for the terrorist to do it when we can... It just makes me sick... Did any of you listen to the poem some girl did during the inauguration?? It was worse than Mary had a Little Lamb... Well let's just hope he fails big time so that even the dumb people in America see him for what he really is... The bible does say for us to pray for our leaders, so even though we despise them we better be praying for them too... God let him get there for some reason...

Here is a little quote that I read some where that I thought was interesting...

We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now..
Well I think that boat is taking on water let's just pray we don't sink...
P.S. I Finally found my cellphone.. I had left it at church...


Joyka said...

All I have to say, is some people are so BLIND and DUMB!!!! I think that I am going to move to England, or Frnace, or, I have heard that Italy has good ice cream, and cool castles.....hhhhhhmmmmm, some place where the national leader is not a "god", which spelled backwards is what he really is. But to call him that would be insulting pet dogs, you know the cute and sweet kind.

Anonymous said...

I miss Bush too. :(

Chord said...

I agree totally Joyka. that is exectly what he is.