Friday, April 22, 2011

Some pictures.

Ya!! I finally got my pictures to transfer. :)

You see what I mean? Odwalla is ripping people off. We should start a boycott.....but they're so good :-/ hmm a real conundrum

This pretty little girl is Lydia. I've always been really good with kids and could play with them and make them smile. But I must be losing my touch. Whenever I just look, smile, or try to talk to her she gives me this really nasty look like she wished I was out of her life (hmm I'm getting that alot lately. Wonder what my deal is:). She's really cute though and can be nice (just not to me). LoL I think of I tried to hold her she would bite me :)

This little guy is her brother. He likes me :) that makes me happy. He has the biggest blue eyes and will just stare at you without blinking forever. I tried to have a staring contest with him and lost :). Whenever I hold him he does does this happy little scream and drools everywhere. He is also one of those baby that likes to upchuck alot. Reminds me of this wild little girl (who did the same thing) that loved me to hold her :) :(.

This is what my next post will be about. :). Five dollars to whoever can tell me what this picture is of :)!! (jock, Aimee you don't count) make sure you tune in for this post. You won't want to miss it. This will change your life. :)


Kriss said...

Well actually Odwalla is the perfect size for me now, but bummer for you =o(....

Lydia is very discerning...she knows you're no good for her...hahaha.........actually she does that whole shooting daggers thing to all of us so don't feel singled out.....

ahhhh yes come through the portal little stickman...because she's....Still Alive....actually I have know idea what I talking about I'm just piecing all the information I remember together..... do I get a prize or something?

I think you're trying to make your blog a little to exciting with the "this will change your life" part..
making promises you can't live upto maybe??

Cpt.Winters said...

Close Kriss but not close enough. :). Do alttle more searching. But I'll still give you five dollars if you need it. And it's changed my life. So I'm sure it will change yours. If you don't think its vary exciting then I'm sorry and that's just a (you) problem.

rebekah said...

Wow, Jordan spelled the word conundrum correctly and even used it correctly!!!! Impressive!

It's not something to do with portal??? That what I was gonna guess too.