Monday, January 11, 2010

Well I don't really know what to post about, but I felt like posting. Hmm lets see?? Oh, ya, it's crazy cold out. It's -42 right now :-( Oh, that reminds me, I better go plug me truck in.. brb My house doesn't do too good in this cold. The boiler is on its last leg and my zone valves and t-stats aren't working. So the boiler just keeps running all day. Ya, not good. arrgh Makes for a big fuel bill. The sad thing is even with the boiler running nonstop the house won't get above 60. If I want it warmer I have to start a fire. The scary thing is that I'm running really low on wood now. Oh well I'm sure I'll survive.

Hmm.. I finally got to go back to work last week, so that was good. Getting work off for two weeks was nice but it gets old being a bum, so ya I was ready to go back to work.. Anyhow I need money (well not really) I spent way to much this Christmas.

Saturday morning dad gave a three hour class on Biblical Philosophy Of Christian Music.. That was good to go over once again. Saturday was kind of cold and windy, yet it felt like a day when you should be on the hill boarding. It felt so wrong to just be sitting home. Kind of depressing. Made me want to just curl up in bed and cry :-( I tried to watch football, but it was too boring and I was too restless. I felt like I had to do something. So I went to town. Um ya yay!! Exciting!! That turned out to be a big flop.. I did go to my favorite store Wooly Rhinos. I love that place!!! But it made me kind of mad. WHY IS IT that there is always wicked awesome stuff for the girls and not for the guys? :( very frustrating.. It wouldn't be so bad if I had a girl to buy for.. I would probably spend way too much on her.. :) I always tease my mom about how that when I get a girl I'm going to take her in that store and dress her up like a Barbie doll.. LOL That usually gets me a lecture from her :) I knew it was time to go home when a, Hmm, (lets just say fruity) guy working at one of the stores was like "dude you doing okay? You look way too happy?" He said the last part sarcastically.. "Ya ,I'm good." He was like, "you sure?" "OH, ya pretty sure, thanks" leaving now.. It was just kind of creepy.

I got to go play a hockey game Sunday night so that was fun. Besides the fact that we got spanked 3-8. That's happened alot this year.. After the game I hurried home because the kids wanted to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Creepy, like really creepy movie. Any how when I got home they were all excited because one of the kids was snooping through my book bag and found a necklace that had a cross on it.. They were like Jordan what's thissss?? I was like you know me. I love wearing necklessse. :) Hmm I guess it doesn't sound that funny but it was at the time. They were acting like it was something I was hiding and wore when no one was around.. I thought they already knew I had it because I always use it as a book mark when I'm reading my bible.

Hmm How about I post some pictures so this post isn't to boring.

This movie was so creepy.. I didn't have a clue it was going to be like it was.. It made me want to throw up.. No Joke.. So I just went to bed early and let the rest of the family watch it.. It was really funny laying in bed listening to the sounds of the movie and then hear those watching the movie react to what they saw. There would be some gross sound come from the movie then you would hear "yuck, that was disgusting" or "oh, gross that was disturbing". Any how I wouldn't suggest wasting your time watching this movie.

Here is my bookmark (necklace) that they were teasing me about. I thought it was cool.

The Olympics start soon so that's really cool. I tried to get Mike to go to Vancouver with me to see the Olympics. He said he would, but when he told his wife she said something about a baby coming in February and that there was no way he was going. I was like "Mike's not the one having the baby and it's not his fault she's having one (well maybe it is but, whatever, that's not the point) and she doesn't need him there to have the baby". But she still said NO!! :( So selfish of her I think.. lol..

I was hoping someone would post there New Year resoloutions, so we could all laugh at them. But since no one did I'll post some so you could laugh at me... Here's three of them.

1.Work out a couple times a week so I look like Tim Tebow by June.

Oh boy I'm felling it!! So can't wait!! :)
2. Move out and get my own place.. Okay people thats enough. STOP rolling your eyes!!! ya ya I know I've said that before.. But I do mean it this time.. I think....

3. Get married.. I just realized that I'm turning 23 this year. Ya I'm getting old.. So i figure if I have to do it I might as well get it done this year... Hmm I guess that means now I've got to find a girl thats willing to marry me.. arrgh That could be hard..

Okay enough with being a joke.. I was wondering do you guys think I should change my blog around?? Like give it a new like?? You all tired if Sid yet?? Also I know this blog isn't vary beneficial or uplifting so I was thinking about posting more stuff like bible verses, sermons, new, and just more serious stuff.. Whatcha think?? or should I just give up blogging all together?


~k~ said...

Well I'm glad all your new year resolutions were all just seriously unbelievable jokes. real funny...they almost cross the line of being wrong to joke about cuz they r serious NO-nos! I'll never look at you again if to try to look like one big lumpy muscle mass..and you are already not sleeping in the same house as us so that's quite enough moved out...and thirdly...oh yes! no more marriages in the fam...they R not allowed....#1 destroyer of family's is marriage ;o) but seriously now no more putting that many seriously unbelievable jokes in one post....cuz they were jokes...they were or else......=O

rebekah said...

Ditto Kris! :)
Oh, btw are you going to be writing the sermons?? That would be interesting.

Chord said...

No don't give up blogging!!! your the only person that blogs. but i do think you should change it sid is getting a little boring.

Cpt.Winters said...

Ya I love you guys too.. You know, I just might do that bek.. Looks like there's a couple girls who could use some of my preaching.. Ya chord. I it's sad, no one post anymore..