Sunday, February 28, 2010


NOOOOO CANADA!!! How could you Sid? After many long years of being a faithful fan (that is until the olympics) of Crosby he goes and ruins my hope of the USA winning gold. :-(

It was really hard to see USA lose. They fought so hard and never gave up. It made me proud to be an American.. Even though we lost I can't help but be happy for Sid and the Canadians and that they got to win gold in Canada.. :( :)

Okay get this, the game was on while we where in church and Pioneers home. So the Johnsons recorded it for us so we could watch it after we got done with all that.. I figured it would be a miracle if I made it through the day without someone saying who won.. I guess miracles happen because I actually made it through the day without finding out. I only had an hour and a half to watch the game in because I had my own hockey game I had to go to. I would've just skipped my game so I would have more time to watch the Olympic game but it was our semifinal game so I just couldn't skip it. I thought an hour and a half would be enough time to watch the game since it was recorded and we could fast foreword all the ads. But NOOO... When the time rolled around when I should be heading to my game was when USA scored the goal to send the game into OT.. I was like YESSSSS then like NOOOOOOOOOOO because I had to leave.. I ran out of the house screaming. I couldn't believe I was leaving right when it was going into overtime. arrgh :-O I new as soon as I made it to my game that my teammates would be talking about who won the game so I just had dad tell me as we road into town since he already new.. And then to find out it was my favorite player who ended it for us it was tough..

Anyhow there is a happy side to all this. It made me really stoked when I got on the ice and I ended up scoring two goals and winning the game.. :) My team gets to play in the championship game on Tuesday!! It was a really rough game though. The other team was kind of playing dirty. One of our players got slashed in the hand and thinks it got broken and I got hit in the mouth by the butt end of some dudes stick when he checked me.. It hurt I thought me nose was going to start gushing blood but it didn't. Right now my mouth and nose hurt so bad.. It was still alot of fun.. When I got home dad said something about me getting beat up on the ice and getting hit in the face. Bek was like "ya Jordan you do look like you got beat up". I was like "I do"? She was like "ya your eyes"! MY EYES? She was like "ya they're all green". Hmm okay. Don't know what she ment by that, I thought they were always green? I looked in the mirror and I did look like I had been through it.. Anyhow better get some sleep. I'll let you know how my game goes on Tuesday. It should be good, the last time we played this team there was some fights.. Ya I'm already pumped for it..


Noah said...

You lucky bum Jordy, I had to watch the game but with no outlet for all my hype. I wanted to go play hockey so bad after watching the game. A friend at the church here get EuroSport, which showed the game live. It was the only game I got to watch. I was thinking of you guys up in Alaska, I was like "oh man I bet Jordy and Caleb are crying cause they are in church while the game is going on".
I was a little bummed that US lost, but it was an awesome game, and Canada deserved it. Plus as an Alaskan I feel half Canadian.
By the way, congrats on making the tourny and getting a nice war wound.

rebekah said...

Jord, that's not what I meant to say, I ment your eyes were look weird, shiny and watery. :) But they did look green. And they are not usually, they are gray.

Cpt.Winters said...

Ya Bek I know thats what you meant. I just thought it was funny that you had said they were green. I realized when I was writing this that I didn't have a clue what color my eyes were. funny huh? I still don't. Guess I should go find out..

Thats cool you got to watch the game Noah. That had to be past midnight for you? I think I would've cried if someone told me the score before I got to watch it.. I bet it was hard for you to watch it and not be able to go out and play afterwards. It's kind of a bummer, I don't have anything to show for my war wound i got in hockey lastnight. My nose just hurts whenever i touch it. I was hoping I would have some kind of bruise or somethomg when I got up this morning.. But nope..

Aaroneous said...

I was talking to this Canadian fire fighter and I guess he made a bet with one of the other guys that who ever's team lost had to get a tattoo of the other countries flag. The guy went out and got a maple leaf of his left bum the day of.


rebekah said...

Jordan you promised to comment on my blog, just reminding you. ;)